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Wednesday, April 1, 2020
As a designated essential services manufacturer, Camden Door Controls remains open for business.

You may experience a slow down in our response or product deliveries. We will continue to put the health of our staff and customers in front of all other considerations.

These efforts include:
  • Enforcing rigorous cleaning/disinfection procedures for our staff and facilities
  • Restricting visitors from entering our building and suspending all business travel/visits by staff
  • Closely monitoring the health of staff and we have doubled paid sick leave benefits
  • Insuring a min. 6ft. social distance in the workplace at all times
  • Providing our admin staff with phone and computer support so that they are able to work from home
  • Daily Monitoring the recommendations and requirements of health and government agencies to ensure that we are doing all we can to stop the spread of COVID-19 
Camden Door will continue to keep you informed of any updates or changes related to our response to COVID-19 as they occur.

For any questions related to these policies, please contact our Customer Service or Technical Support departments at 1-905-366-3377, Toll-Free at 1-877-226-3369,
or by email at

March 23, 2020: COVID-19 UPDATE

Although our doors are open, office visits will occur by appointment only and only if absolutely necessary. We also ask that you please phone in your pickup orders. When placing your orders, please provide your cellphone number so we may contact you when your order is ready for pickup. Should you come directly to the pickup counter to place your order, you will be asked to wait in your vehicle while your order is prepared.

Our Customer Service and Technical Departments are available via telephone and will be more than happy to assist you. 1-905-366-3377 or Toll-Free 1-877-226-3369

As of March 17th, the state of emergency has been declared until March 31, 2020.


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